Employee induction
Give your new starter the perfect start and it doesn't have to be complicated. Making someone feel welcome in their new role will shape the way your new employee works, commits and relates to your company and your vision.

How would you feel if you started a new position at a new company and there was no one to meet you, you didn’t know what to do or where to go and you had to wait in reception wondering if you had got the wrong day or office and if you were now late from waiting or even worse, if you had been forgotten?
Starting a new job is stressful enough, without, unconsciously, making someone feel they are on the back foot before they start.
It wouldn’t make a very good first impression, and if you have gone to the expense and taken the time to hire them, you want to do what you can to keep them. Staff turnover is costly.
An induction can be anything from having a new starter met at the door by another member of staff who can show them around.
As an employer, what you need to remember is that this is the first impression and it will make a massive difference between them staying of going.
- CIPD has information to help you get the most out of your induction
- Acas has a detailed booklet that guides you through the first few weeks with a new employee as well as supporting a new starter within the first year.